GCV USBC Member,
As you hopefully remember, the Greater Cedar Valley USBC created and awarded some new awards this past bowling season. These awards include the Male and Female Bowler of the Year award as well as the All Star Team which will include 4 additional males and 3 additional females.
These awards recognize the top bowlers in our association based solely on their accomplishments during the season through a points based system.
In order to continue recognizing the deserving individuals, we need your help in collecting the necessary information. Please submit your accomplishments including high score and top tournament finishes for this season (August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024) using the following link: https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLScJlsD1E9iEKTMoT7wp4hOd EZRi-v7XSY1bq6GVemMJkxQZSA/ viewform
What to submit:
Male Scores – 300, 800, 11 in a Row (in league and/or tournaments)
Female Scores – 300, 11 in row, 275+, 800, 700, 650+ (in league and/or tournaments)
Tournament Finishes – wins, top 5/10, cashing (please include the number of entries and your tournament place in the notes section on the form). Links or copies of the standings are also helpful to include.
We will take care of final results from the GCV association, state and USBC Open Championships. However, honor scores bowled during any of these events should be submitted.